2023 – 2024: Our strategic priorities

Develop programs to aid an extra 500 orphan families and set up two more orphanages in areas with the highest orphan populations to ensure a safe and nurturing environment.

  • Educational Outreach: Extend educational support to an additional 1,000 needy students, with an emphasis on empowering the girl child, and inaugurate three scholarship programs in regions with the most significant educational gaps.

  • Healthcare Accessibility: Launch 12 volunteer-driven medical camps across the ASAL regions with the goal of reaching at least 10,000 individuals, emphasizing preventive care and health education.

  • Social Protection Initiatives: Develop programs to aid an extra 500 orphan families and set up two more orphanages in areas with the highest orphan populations to ensure a safe and nurturing environment.

  • Gender Empowerment: Initiate robust community-awareness campaigns in four regions focusing on combating gender-based violence, and collaborate with local entities to provide vital resources and support to affected individuals

  • Fundraising and Partnerships: Kick off two major fundraising drives targeting both global philanthropists and local contributors, and solidify partnerships with at least three international NGOs to amplify impact and resource sharing.